Online Self-Help Getting Started How the court works Types of cases Court forms & how to file Fee waivers Risks of self representation Going to court Researching the law Legal aid resources Civil Case Resources Divorce Evictions Custody Paternity & Child Support Online Restraining Orders Guardianship Name Changes Small Claims Estate Expungement Ask the Court Nav[igator]! A new service offered by the Winnebago County Self Help Center during the Covid-19 Pandemic. To get help from the Self Help Center remotely, send your questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Questions will be answered during normal business hours. The Self Help Legal Center provides general information about the legal system- like defining common legal words, identifying what types of forms to use, or generally explaining how the court process works. We can also refer you to legal resources or aid groups that may be able to provide you free or low cost help. If you need a foreign or sign language interpreter to use while in court, we can help find you one too. We cannot provide legal advice. This means we cannot tell you if you should bring a case to court or if the judge will rule in your favor. If you need this type of help, consider getting a lawyer. We cannot represent you nor can we refer you to an attorney.