Family Recovery Court


FRC logo

The 17th Circuit Court established a Family Recovery Court (FRC) in the Winnebago County Juvenile Abuse and Neglect Court in December 2009.  FRC is a specialized program designed to assist families where at least one parent’s substance abuse was the cause of involvement in the child welfare system.  Wrap around services are given to the entire family which include substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, housing assistance, trauma therapy and the participants are subject to judicial monitoring and accountability. The goal is to assist the parent(s) to recovery in order that their children can safely remain in their care and end their involvement in the child welfare system and juvenile court.


For more information about the Family Recovery Court program, please review the Participant Handbook. 

Family Recovery Court Participant Handbook


To refer an individual to the FRC program, complete the referral form below and return it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

FRC Referral Form


For questions regarding referrals, please contact Melissa Rader, Problem-Solving Court Supervisor at 815-319-4805 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



 PSC 988 Crisis Line


Resource Links on Treatment Courts:

National Center for State Courts

Bureau of Justice Assistance

Illinois Association of Problem-Solving Courts

All Rise- formerly National Association of Drug Court Professionals




For additional Information, please contact:

Emily Behnke,
Deputy Court Administrator


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Virtual Court

Self Rep

Records Search and Payments

Local Rules


400 W State St
Rockford, IL 61101