Ceremonies at the courthouse must be scheduled in advance, after you have secured your Marriage or Civil Union License. In Winnebago County, schedule a ceremony date at least one week in advance here: Wedding and Civil Union Scheduling Haga una cita para su ceremonia con una semana de anterioridad. Haga un clic aqui papa hacer la cita: Programación de Bodas y Uniones Civiles In Boone County, schedule a ceremony date at least one day in advance by calling the Boone County Circuit Clerk’s Office at 815-544-0371. The following information is provided to answer the most commonly asked questions regarding marriage and civil union ceremonies. + - Do we need a marriage or civil union license? Click to collapse Yes, you must obtain a marriage or civil union license at least one day and no more than 60 days prior to your planned ceremony date. + - How do we obtain a marriage or civil union license? Click to collapse For a marriage or civil union to be performed in Winnebago County, you need to obtain a Winnebago County marriage or civil union license from the Winnebago County Clerk, 404 Elm Street, Suite 104, Rockford, IL 61101, Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 p.m. The fee for a Winnebago County license is $40 and must be paid in cash. For additional information please visit the Winnebago County Clerk Webpage. For a marriage or civil union to be performed in Boone County, you need to obtain a Boone County marriage or civil union license from the Boone County Clerk, 1212 Logan Avenue, Suite 103 Belvidere, IL 61008, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The fee for a Boone County license is $30 and must be paid in cash. For additional information please visit the Boone County Clerk Webpage. + - Where are marriages and civil union ceremonies performed? Click to collapse Marriages and civil unions are performed at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois 61101 and at the Boone County Courthouse, 601 North Main Street, Belvidere, Illinois 61008. + - When are marriages and civil unions performed? Click to collapse Winnebago County marriage and civil union ceremonies are scheduled in advance using our online calendaring system. Boone County marriage and civil union ceremonies are performed every day of the week (except for court holidays) at 1:00 p.m. Ceremonies in both locations begin as promptly as a judge can be made available. + - Is there a fee? Click to collapse Yes, in both counties there is a $10.00 fee payable at the time of the ceremony. + - Do we need to schedule a ceremony date? Click to collapse Ceremonies at the courthouse must be scheduled in advance, after you have secured your Marriage or Civil Union License. In Winnebago County, schedule a ceremony date at least one week in advance here: Wedding and Civil Union Scheduling Haga una cita para su ceremonia con una semana de anterioridad. Haga un clic aqui papa hacer la cita: Programación de Bodas y Uniones Civiles In Boone County, schedule a ceremony date at least one day in advance by calling the Boone County Circuit Clerk’s Office at 815-544-0371. + - Where do we check-in to have our ceremony performed? Click to collapse In Winnebago County, register at the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk’s Office, 400 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois in room 108. Persons must be present with a valid marriage or civil union license and register before 3:00 p.m. The $10.00 ceremony fee is payable at time of registration. In Boone County, register at the Boone County Circuit Clerk’s Office, 601 North Main State Street, Rockford, Illinois in room 103. Persons must be present on their scheduled ceremony date with a valid marriage or civil union license. The $10.00 ceremony fee is payable at time of registration. + - What type of ceremony is it? Click to collapse A judge will perform a private ceremony within his or her courtroom. + - Does the court provide interpreters? Click to collapse No, interpreters for ceremonies are the responsibility of the couple. A third-party interpreter must be present if a person entering into a marriage or civil union has difficulty understanding the English language. + - Do we need to bring a witness? Click to collapse No, witnesses are not necessary. However, guests are welcome and invited to attend. Cameras are also welcome, but are subject to search by courthouse security. + - If the courthouse closes on the day of my scheduled ceremony, what should I do? Click to collapse Courthouse closures are listed on the Court’s website (illinois17th.com), the Court’s Facebook page (17th Judicial Circuit Court- Winnebago and Boone Counties), and all local news outlets. If the Winnebago County Courthouse closes on the day of your scheduled ceremony, you may re-schedule using the calendar linked above, or call 815-319-4806. If the Boone County Courthouse closes on the day of your scheduled ceremony, please call 815-544-0371 to reschedule.